"Wow, I just did that!"

By LIVE WELL Exercise Clinic

LIVE WELL helped save my life

When Dan Bader started attending LIVE WELL sessions in Langley, BC in August 2018, he had diabetes and high blood pressure. Within a few months he had seen significant improvements. But that all changed at Christmas.

“My blood pressure started climbing higher, and I had problems doing simple things such as climbing stairs,” Dan says. “It was as if I was running out of steam. It got so bad I often had to stop what I was doing and take a rest.”


Thankfully for Dan, the staff at LIVE WELL were highly attentive to his health issues - going so far as to contact Dan’s doctor and eventually the cardiologist. This prompted several tests, and in February 2019 Dan was admitted to hospital for an angiogram where they discovered he had a 90 percent blockage in a couple of arteries! This prompted immediate action and Dan received stents to open the blockage.

When Dan returned home, the first thing he noticed was that he was able to climb stairs without resting. I got to the top and said, “Wow, I just did that!” Dan attributes it to his LIVE WELL sessions. “Talk about a WIN! Within a few days, I was able to breathe properly, the pain in my chest was gone and I couldn’t wait to get back to LIVE WELL!”

“I am convinced LIVE WELL saved my life. Apart from the health benefits I receive from a properly supervised exercise program, if I hadn’t had someone monitoring my blood pressure, and acting when I needed it the most, I believe I would have just thought I was getting old. That mindset would have led to very serious complications, and from my own family’s history of heart attacks, I doubt I would be here today!”


Dan considers his LIVE WELL sessions as vital as a visit to his doctor. “I love LIVE WELL and will thank them for the rest of my life!”

LIVE WELL Exercise Clinic
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